Why YOU should be a guest on the Someone You Should Know Podcast

Experienced Host - We agree that many podcasts “suck,” mainly due to a host lacking skills.  Rik Anthony is a seasoned, 44 year radio veteran, who worked for 19 years at the All Star Radio Network. He has interviewed thousands of guests for his national radio shows. All podcast shows are professionally researched, recorded and produced.


Broad Reach- According to our BuzzFeed.com stats, dated 12/1/23, the ‘Someone You Should Know Podcast’ was heard in over 1,900 cities in 85 countries around the world since it debuted in October 2022.


Time - Most radio stations will allow you 8 to 10 minutes to talk about your music and, if you’re lucky, they might play one song. The ‘Someone You Should Know Podcast’ interviews allow 20 to 40 minutes, and a minimum of two songs are played. In many cases more songs are showcased.


Trade off - Radio stations want something in return for the guests’s time. However, the only thing we ask is that guests take the finished interview link and share it on their social media or other platforms.


Added value - We always include links to the guest’s social media so that listeners may follow them.  Also, we include links to upcoming events, merch, and album releases, or whatever the guest  wishes to promote. 

100% Free  - This is provided by Rik Anthony as a Thank You to musicians and other guests to promote their craft. 


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